
This blog is written and created for the Whole Musician: in mind, body and spirit. The possibilities for practice, playing and performing are infinite...In this blog I share Practice Ideas for the Whole Musician as inspiration, information and as a portal into your musical imagination.

Happy Practicing!


Monday, July 16, 2012

Creative Practice Circles, #6 - Tone

One aspect of our practice is in creating our Tone, our Voice for making music. I have not yet met a musician that does not have this element in their Circle of Practice.
This is another circle that is full of infinite possibility... and a lifetime of education, listening, play, thought, practice and performing... that go into it's Creation.

There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique...~ martha graham
Each of us has an individual voice as a person and as a musician.

 Since music asks us to express an infinite variety of sounds and shapes, how do we get to know and develop our unique Voice on the flute? As you explore and enrich your voice consider what each of these words below mean to you? Play with the words below to give them more meaning to you.
Use your imagination, creativity, artistry, curiosity, engaged mind, heart and spirit to find your voice.

Every note resonates inside our body and somewhere in the flute... ~  Rampal                                                                                                A Generous heart creates a beautiful tone ~ Moyse

How you create your tone, your sound is the artist in you. Your heart, mind, body, spirit are unique and whole. So is your tone.  It takes a lot of energy to create and develop your unique tone and it is worth it!
  • You have a treasure chest of jewels inside of you waiting to be opened and expressed. Your tone is like this treasure chest, full of multi faceted, beautiful jewels waiting to be discovered and revealed. Invest in your tone practice and reveal your jewels! 
  • Get curious about Tone! Educate yourself. What makes a beautiful, whole, exquisite sound? Begin by listening to great flutists, string players and vocalists. You will learn to refine your ear and to define what is is you are hearing and like in great sound. Keep listening in great detail and delight to what you hearing in these great sounds. The next step is to learn how to play what you listening to by these great artists. Also, ask your teacher to help you and to demonstrate what you are trying to emulate.
  • Your tone is a one of a kind, piece of art created by you! What kind of art are you making? Know, grow and love your sound!
What do you like about your sound?
What would you like to enhance in your tone?
What would you like to change about your sound?
What are some specific ways you can do this?

What is in your Circle? 

Here is a link from NPR called 50 Great Voices... It is a great place to hear 50 unique, authentic voices~ enjoy!!!

Here is a circle that I created on Tone:

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