
This blog is written and created for the Whole Musician: in mind, body and spirit. The possibilities for practice, playing and performing are infinite...In this blog I share Practice Ideas for the Whole Musician as inspiration, information and as a portal into your musical imagination.

Happy Practicing!


Friday, July 6, 2012

1st of 9 posts on Creative Practice Circles, #1

You are your own window into knowing your self, your practice, your musical life. Consider your practice life and how it is a mirror of your musical life. What would you put in your Circle that represents the design of your whole musical life? Write your name in the window and freely write, doodle, draw, the elements of your practice in the circle of your musical life.

Next Post will continue on with more ideas about what is inside your Circle of Practice!

Let me know what you came up with :-)

Here are some ideas about Circles, Communication, Community and Connection:

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