
This blog is written and created for the Whole Musician: in mind, body and spirit. The possibilities for practice, playing and performing are infinite...In this blog I share Practice Ideas for the Whole Musician as inspiration, information and as a portal into your musical imagination.

Happy Practicing!


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rehearsing & Performing

It is the end of the semester here at the University of Houston, Moores School of Music and the end of a busy time with many student recitals/concerts/... This has really led me to want to share with my students some more thoughts about rehearsing and performing...

There are so many beautiful things that happen as we prepare for a meaningful concert, audition and competition!

For me, this is the idea I want to cultivate in my practice and rehearsing is:

Many times the most beautiful, magical, significant moments in music making happen in the rehearsing and practicing for the concert, audition or competition.
There are also times when you will have these meaningful moments, in the concerts and you may even experience a whole concert like that sometimes too!

Most likely, especially when you are beginning to give recitals and concerts, you practice and rehearse much, much, more than you perform. This is a very fertile place to experience the music, to grow your awareness, increase your value of music itself, and the pure enjoyment of music making... with yourself and your music friends, colleagues.

So...  to learn to appreciate, give thanks, and value the rehearsing and practicing, as much as the final event. To find meaning, joy and significance in the whole process of being a musician! That how we get there matters as much as the getting there :-)
I would love for my students to place as much awareness, value and enjoyment on their practice and rehearsing as they do their performances, auditions and competitions...

And... when one does this an amazing thing happens in the performance, audition and compettions.... freedom, and enjoyment...



Friday, April 29, 2011

Free Links To Etudes

Design a daily practice that includes some of these wonderful studies for the flute - Etudes! Remember Etudes are music :-)...
Here is the link to the Petrucci Music Library .

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Creative Flutist Master Classes

Join us this summer in Austin and Houston for Creative Flutist Master Classes in July and August.
We will be using my new book,
Practice Designs for the Whole Musician!
Please go to www.creativeflutist.com and write to behningstudio@gmail.com for more information.
Hope to see you at the Classes!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Listening, Alive & Present

Talking to students about how after we have formed and developed a clear, authentic musical interpretation of the music we are playing... how we create this music inside of us before we play... how all this is done educating ourself, practicing, taking lessons and all of this through using our imagination, our mind, heart and soul to make music, make art...

Next step we are practicing, we are rehearsing these musical concepts, our expression, our artistic interpretation... Or we may be about to perform a piece...

How is this different from forming and developing?

It is about Listening and being present...

Once the music is in us we are ready to practice, rehearse and/or perform...

So, how do we have our artistic, authentic interpretation be so clear and still be open to the moment, to what is being sounded, communicated through our music making?
We have to be present, open to the moment, to really listen to what is coming out of our instrument. Sometimes we may think we are hearing what we want to hear, instead of what is actually being sounded. How do you really hear what is coming our of your instrument?
Refining how you Listen is one the most important things you can do to transform your playing. Being open to the moment, not the past, or future is the best place to be when you are playing, practicing, performing...

This being alive to the moment, open and present, is part of what makes live music so amazing! It is the risk of what may happen... ahhh the possibilities!!!

The important part is to be present, to enjoy the music you are making in the moment. In this place there is life, vitality, possibility, a place with magical moments of music making.

So, Imagine, educate, inspire, refine, define, open, explore, develop your interpretation.. get clear... and then allow the present to breathe life into you and the music.

Listen first.... and become a part of the music...


Cultivation not Comparison

Cultivation not Comparison

What are you cultivating in your Practice?
Cultivating something meaningful is creating Art.
So, what kind of Art would you like to make in your Practice?
How can you Cultivate your Art, and your Practice... and not Compare it?
I think it would be wonderful if we stopped comparing and instead focused on Cultivation of our Art. I would like for us all to be more curious about Cultivation. Let's choose to be interested, open and caring about what each of us are creating and ask ~ How are you cultivating that in your Practice and Music Making? What if we notice, observe and include each other in the Cultivation of our Art? Lets spend our time refining and defining our own art and practice, not comparing it to another. Let each of us enjoy how unique our practice and music making are and remember that we can learn from each other.

“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased... There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive...” ~ Martha Graham

In our Practice we can Cultivate:
  • Art/Music
  • Authenticity
  • Creativity
  • Joy
  • Beauty
  • Gratitude
  • Passion
  • Focus
  • Musical Expression
  • Imagination
  • Ease
  • Playfulness
  • Patience
  • Refinement
  • Awareness
  • Colors
  • Self Acceptance
  • Patience
  • Inspiration
  • Freedom
  • Enjoying the Process of Practice
Please keep adding to your list...
~ Jennifer

Play with it! and rest too...

Play with It! and rest too..

Today thinking about play, playfulness, playing the flute, playing a musical instrument. We do not work an instrument. We play it :-)... An obvious thing to say but do we play enough with our practice, in our practicing are we playful?

So many wonderful things come when we allow our self to just play with the music we are learning! We are happier and create positive energy for ourself, our practice, our music making. In playfulness we have a more natural approach to our instrument and the music. In play we have ease in our body and are less prone to causing injury. Play is a portal into our imagination where we can make new discoveries about our playing and the music.

There is a garden of possibility in play... So, instead of working... play with it. Bring music to life by playing your instrument... with your Whole Self!

After and during our play, remember to take a rest. All who play, children, animals and those who play just for the sake of play, also naturally take a rest ... and then play some more... So, please play and rest and play some more...

A book I like is Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination and Invigorates the Soul, by Stuart Brown

How do you play with your practice? Do you give yourself the freedom to play? What kind of play activates the portal to imagination in your practice? What kind of play invigorates the soul of your practice?

Happy playing! and resting too :-)