
This blog is written and created for the Whole Musician: in mind, body and spirit. The possibilities for practice, playing and performing are infinite...In this blog I share Practice Ideas for the Whole Musician as inspiration, information and as a portal into your musical imagination.

Happy Practicing!


Friday, July 13, 2012

Creative Practice Circles, #5 - Play!

Are you being playful

                     enough in your practice?

There is nothing like play,
                             to light up
                                       all of the brain!!!!

           We do play our instruments!

What are you doing to be more alive and playful in your practice?

Here is a circle of practice based on the ideas from Dr. Stuart Brown's book, Play -  How it shapes the brain, opens the imagination and invigorates the soulPlay

Here is a  TED Talk video by Dr. Stuart:

More ideas on play go to:

The National Institute for Play - 

Play + Science = Transformation 

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