
This blog is written and created for the Whole Musician: in mind, body and spirit. The possibilities for practice, playing and performing are infinite...In this blog I share Practice Ideas for the Whole Musician as inspiration, information and as a portal into your musical imagination.

Happy Practicing!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Keeney Studio Notes - Weeks 3 & 4
IDEAS: to think about... "What can I let go of?....." Not giving the body another thing to do, but to let go of and free your self back into the natural way the body moves freely and dynamically. Also, perhaps a better word than straighten for the spine is to allow for lengthening and sequencing. Again, this is the natural movement of the spine. It lengthens and gathers, like the  gathering and lengthening breath I taught you :-)... Yes, how we shape our breath, body, mind and heart, is how we shape the music too. 
Mystery to Clarity...How Clear is your thinking, feeling, knowing about the music you are making? Whole Self, Tone  (breathing, voice, presence), Technique (all parts and patterns), Rhythm, Interpretation (knowledge and personal musical instincts), Ensemble, Listening...  
What do you need to do in your practice and musical life to give clarity and meaning to the music, to your playing and performing? Find ways of making the music come alive through thought, feeling, knowledge, dedication, discipline, discovery, delight, determination, desire, daring and play. This will give you the clarity you are looking for in expressing the music in an artistic and joyful way.
C’s - Care,  Consistent, Conviction, Clarity, Challenge, Choice, Connection, Comfort, Confidence, Concept, Creative, Charisma, Courage, Color, Commitment, Character, Change, Communicate...
Letters - Thank you for your beautiful letters about giving yourself an A...
Book - The Art of Possibility by Rosamund and Benjamin Zander. Please continue to read be curious about and do the practices. 
Studio Class - See schedule for performers. 
*Add to schedule:  Change in Studio Telemann Recital is in Chapel on Oct. 11th.
Halloween Concert, Oct. 31 in 175. Ms. Gedigian’s Class on Nov. 21 5-7pm
Preparation & Performance - Lesson Notes sheets and focus points, p. 14-16. Use these for lessons each week in your 3 ring binder. Record parts of your practice!
Creative Practice Idea -  Please focus on these, p. 33 one inch and fermata technique...  and creating long lines,p.34
*Read Long Lines quote in Zander book, p. 116
Body - Read Alexander Pages in book, p.40 and practice directions and active rest.
Breathing - Finger Breath and Flow Master, p.41. Use directions for observation during your practice with these breathing toys :-).
Embouchure - Know your aperture!!! It is the “hands” that shape your air and mold the music. Be a sculptor of your air, an artist...
Tone Practice from: Creative Practice Ideas and Exercises - continue practice as in weeks 1&2 & Slow Movements of Bach Sonatas, Partita and Mozart Concerti - 1 a week
Technique Practice from: Creative Practice Ideas and Exercises - Continue practice as in Weeks 1&2
Etudes - as Assigned
Solos - As Assigned. 
Orchestral Excerpts & Band Music - as Assigned. Orchestral Excerpt Book by Jeanne Baxtresser is the required. 

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