
This blog is written and created for the Whole Musician: in mind, body and spirit. The possibilities for practice, playing and performing are infinite...In this blog I share Practice Ideas for the Whole Musician as inspiration, information and as a portal into your musical imagination.

Happy Practicing!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Giving Concerts

I had a student write to me about where to give a recital. There are so many wonderful places to share our music. I hope that we all continue to encourage our students and ourselves to go out and share live classical music with a variety of people in a variety of venues. 
Many years ago I wrote an article entitled Dreams Goals Book and in it is a section about finding places to give concerts/recitals. Here is a part of that article. 
Enjoy and let me know where you will be playing.


Find out when your Band and Orchestra Concerts are for the year.
Find out when your Recitals 
will be for school, 
private lessons, etc.
Mark these in your Calendar.

Figure out the time lines for 
Your Concerts/ Recitals.

How long will it take to learn 
the music?
Where is the Concert?

Keep your programs of 
concerts you have gone  to and given.
How many rehearsals do 
you need to Schedule?

Your Private Teacher Pianist Chamber Music Coach Ensemble Members
Where are you rehearsing? In the Concert/ Recital Hall/
School etc.
Are you recording it?

What do you need to do to 
have it recorded?

Figure out these schedules, 
mark it in your calendar.



Day Care Centers
Assisted Care/ Nursing Homes
Coffee Houses
Private Homes
Concert Halls
Other Organizations
Get the names, emails, websites 
and numbers

Make up a template to keep 
track of these things.
Place, name and street address, directions. 
Contact Information 
person, phone and email
Date of performance
Who is performing? Group name, emails and phone numbers

For yourself, the ensemble. Are you speaking the program or do you need to
make copies of the program or give it to the contact person to make copies?
Program and program notes By what date?
 Keep these in your Book.

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