
This blog is written and created for the Whole Musician: in mind, body and spirit. The possibilities for practice, playing and performing are infinite...In this blog I share Practice Ideas for the Whole Musician as inspiration, information and as a portal into your musical imagination.

Happy Practicing!


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Focus Points week 1&2

Focus Points for Lessons - Creative Flutist Studio - Fall 2011

Weeks 1 & 2

Here are the ideas and conpets for the first 2 weeks of lessons this fall. Enjoy!
Rhythm in heart and fingers. Breath is moving and shaping the whole of the musical line. 
Breathe with the music in a meaningful way that is in time and connected to the music you are making. “Pour your whole self into your flute...”
C’s - Care,  Consistent, Conviction, Clarity, Challenge, Choice, Connection, Comfort, Confidence, Concept, Creative, Charisma, Courage, Color, Commitment, Character...
Syllabus - given out and needs to be read, followed and signed. 
Letters - Why I received an extraordinary grade of an A... “ ...  Due Sept 1&2 at your lessons.
Book - The Art of Possibility by Rosamund and Benjamin Zander 
Please be prepared to discuss a chapter a week in Studio Class and to write a 5 page (12 pt. font) paper discussing the Practices presented in this book and how you are using them and what kind of changes you have made practicing them this semester. Due: Dec. 1st, 2011
Studio Class - Schedule for performing has been given. Also, Flight of the Bumble Bee Part and Flute Choir parts for Sept. 8th Collage Concert.
Preparation & Performance - Lesson Notes sheets and focus points, p. 14-16. Use these and make copies for lesson each week in your 3 ring binder. 7 Levels of Learning, p.17 
Creative Practice Idea - Metronome Motivation & Precision and Flow, p. 30 . Circle of Observation and Add a Note, p.31.
Body - Meade’s Arms, p.41
Little Monkey p.40                                      Head “Floating” on top of spine.
Your Circle Sphere, Bubble - moving inside of it and being connected. Circle it p. 42
There is nothing like good use of your whole body for sounding authentically like you and having a great practice and performance. 
Breathing - Gathering and Lengthening Breath,                                                             Breath as a Bow (string player) and Breathing Bag, p.45
Embouchure - Not just outside facial muscles. What do you notice and can activate on the inside your cheeks for example? forward mvt.
“No teeth” - shape with lips... (no jaw, release jaw)
Tone Practice from: Creative Practice Ideas and Exercises - read p. 48-49 
1. Beautiful Notes or Tone & Tuner #1 or Tone & Tuner #2 - 1 a day
2. Interval Intimacy - 1 key a day all registers
3. 4 Styles of Vibrato - 1 set a day all registers
4. Limber Lips & Angle Air - 1 key a day all registers
5. Slow Movements of Bach Sonatas, Partita and Mozart Concerti - 1 a week
Technique Practice from: Creative Practice Ideas and Exercises - read p. 83-85
1. Finger Patterns  - 1/2. Whole, Maj. & Min. 3rds - 1 a day
2. Whole Range Scales - Major and Harmonic Minor 
3. T& G - use the 2 week Schedule, p. 85. Also for T&G #4 use p. 114  in my book. 
  1. Gilbert Chromatics - p. 85
Etudes -  2 as Assigned
Solos - As Assigned. Whole class is giving a recital of Telemann, Fantasies. Read article by Rachel Brown I sent in a email regarding the Telemann Fantasies. Also, see Amy Porter’s DVD on the Telemann, Fantasies on reserve in the Library. 
Orchestral Excerpts & Band Music - as Assigned. Orchestral Excerpt Book by Jeanne Baxtresser is the required. 

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