Grocery Shopping, Greeting, Gratitude & Connection:
This is all a form of LISTENING - The Art of Listening...
Greet each other acknowledging this important time you have together. Look in their eyes for a genuine moment and show your caring for them and your respect for the lesson and the music.
Notice their breathing with interest and kindness as they enter. What do you observe?
Is it flowing or held?
Is it weak or strong?
Is their audible sound when they breath in or out?
Do their ribs move freely as they breath?
Is their a natural rhythm to it?...
Begin to connect and hear the sound of their voice.
What is the tone of their voice? What qualities does it contain today? Is it higher than usual? Is is lower?
What is the rhythm of their words? Are they animated, carefully chosen or lacking in energy..?
What is the dynamic of their greeting?
What kind of expression are they showing you in their greeting?
Observe the students body language.
How are they walking into the room?
Is it light and flowing, heavy and plodding? Jumpy, fast, slow...?
Are they aware of their whole self?
Is their head balanced on top of their spine with ease?
Is their a sense of balance and freedom of movement?
Would you describe it as connected or separate? Unknowing or knowing their body. Aware or not aware?...
How would you describe their body language today?
Is it one of:
confidence, doubt, openness, fear, hope, caring, happiness, sadness, freedom, respect, gratitude, excitement, balance...?
So, you have a plan and now you have observed what is in store for you.
How would you like to proceed? What will you select today?
How about a few words of gratitude? Something authentic for you to express.
Perhaps something like:
So happy you are hear today.
It is lovely to see you again.
How wonderful that we have this time together with music and our flutes.
We are so fortunate to be able to make some music together.
I am excited to be here and for us to learn something new today...
Or you may say them silently too...
This kind of greeting, connection and gratitude sets the tone for a lesson. One that creates an air of awareness and a promising beginning for a wonderful lesson.
Next, part 4, is to look at the Recipe that was given from last week ( I have my students keep a notebook and 3 ring binder) and to see what the student has made.
Thank you,
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