
This blog is written and created for the Whole Musician: in mind, body and spirit. The possibilities for practice, playing and performing are infinite...In this blog I share Practice Ideas for the Whole Musician as inspiration, information and as a portal into your musical imagination.

Happy Practicing!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Recipe for a Wonderful Lesson - part 1 of 12

 What makes a wonderful lesson?  

For one of their final projects I asked my pedagogy students to consider and write about what makes a wonderful lesson. They were to use all that we had been studying, their education as musicians and personal life experiences. I hoped that this would also bring out more of their individual teaching styles as well as honoring the art of music and pedagogy. 

I in turn, did the same assignment. To me a good metaphor for a wonderful lesson, is cooking a fine meal. There is a lot that goes into creating, preparing and cooking a lovely meal. 

The qualities of an exceptional cook ( musician)
are akin to those of a successful tightrope walker: an abiding passion for the task, courage to go out on a limb and an impeccable sense of balance.” 
~Bryan Miller

You have to consider who you are cooking for, what they would enjoy and what is nourishing for them. You consider the environment, the time you have and the kind of meal you are creating. What kind of meal are you making? Is it a simple snack, gourmet breakfast, ethnic lunch, romantic dinner, elegant banquet or a feast...? 

How connected to and involved are you in the whole process? Are you the only person preparing and cooking? If not how are you sharing and creating this together? 

What recipes are you using? Are they yours, someone else’s or a combination?  You have to choose get to know the recipe and all of its ingredients. You have to have all of them and they are best when fresh. You know it will taste the best if all the ingredients are of highest, finest, organic quality. 

For the most wonderful meal, you have to allow for each recipe to cook as long as is needed and to be involved and connected to it during the whole process. What kind of cooking is needed? Slow, baked, boiled, broiled, grilled, rolled, tossed, kneeded, stirred, poached, fried, seared, blended, gently folded...?

How much time will it take to prepare your meal?  You are acutely aware of how the timing for each part of the recipe effects the whole meal. You are alive, in the moment as you cook it. Does it need a lot of tending, encouragement, listening... or very little... What does it require, need to become a wonderful culinary delight?

You realize that their are an infinite number and kinds of recipes, ingredients and spices. You delight in and know that each one is unique, that it takes time to get to know each ones qualities, properties, and uses/gifts.  

You learn and are amazed by how they can be combined and how each one effects the other.  What kinds of spices do you need to add?   Perhaps it is something more bold or sweet or something with more refined and subtle?  It takes an impeccable sense of balance.

What kind of mood and environment are you serving your meal in and who are you serving? How do you know when to serve it? What kind of dish do you serve it in? What comes first, in between and last? What do you add or take away during the meal? 
How do you know when it is enough, complete, finished? How does the meal end? 

What do you have to clean up after it is over? 

What do you want to remember about it ? 

And, are there leftovers to take home? What kind of container can they take it home in and bring back for more at the next wonderful meal?

Recipe for a fine lesson has: 
Teacher & Student, Ideas, Imagination, Design, Education, Passion, Practice, Play, Information, Creativity,  Innovation, Positive Attitude, Love, Gratitude, Listening, Awareness, Personality,  Guidance, Sound, Encouragement, Heart, Communication, Connection, Curiosity, Daring, Dialogue,  Joy, Delight, Presence, Looking, Focusing, Openings, Spirit, Possibility, Thinking, Feeling, Observing, Movement, Laughter,  Risking, Growth, Wonder, Authenticity, Empowerment, Direction, Dreams, Goals, Future, Hope...

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