
This blog is written and created for the Whole Musician: in mind, body and spirit. The possibilities for practice, playing and performing are infinite...In this blog I share Practice Ideas for the Whole Musician as inspiration, information and as a portal into your musical imagination.

Happy Practicing!


Friday, November 2, 2012

Art- ticulation - HOW you Articulate and shape your Air

In the last 2 blog post I talked about Embouchure and then Air and how it Creates the Music... Now adding on to this idea of air, yes... but what about the How of it... That what also matters so very much is the Articulation of your air, the shapes inside your mouth and the use of your tongue and the way your Embouchure is forming the release of the air. 

Now think about and experiment with this idea:

It is HOW you USE, SHAPE and ARTICULATE your AIR & EMBOUCHURE                (body, brain, imagination, knowledge...) that really creates the MUSIC.

I feel that most people do not think about and use a variety of articulations via syllables, vowels and consonants to shape inside the mouth and to create the sound, the music. 

What kind of shapes do you make with your embouchure, your tongue, your oral cavity to ARTICULATE the music? 

I am always investigating, watching and listening to great musicians, teachers and talking my musician friends. I just finished watching this video, http://www.keithflute.com/Keithflute/pay-to-view.html offered by Master Classes NYC  a great set of classes that Maryann Tu has developed and runs in NYC!  Go to some of these if you can or watch via online:-).
I highly recommend you spending the $20 and watching! Keith so clearly demonstrates how embouchure, muscles, articulations... effect the sound and music you are making. There is so much for you to enjoy and consider in your flute playing and music making from this fine teacher. 
In this video he goes into detail about:

My experience studying with great teachers, listening and watching great musicians, asking questions and practicing all these ideas, is that all of these artists shape and articulate their air in artistic ways. That they have thought in detail about what they want to create and they either can just do it or most have found out, via their teachers, their own study and practice... HOW to articulate and shape each note, each phrase, each sound that they make into music.

We can learn so much by learning from wonderful teachers, from listening to and watching the musicians we love and becoming keen observers and trying to emulate their sounds and music... Discovering HOW they do it and how we create that, is teaching ourself, is practicing, is developing our artistry. 

Your ART- TICULATION, is HOW you annunciate, pronounce, give voice, life to the music. 


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