
This blog is written and created for the Whole Musician: in mind, body and spirit. The possibilities for practice, playing and performing are infinite...In this blog I share Practice Ideas for the Whole Musician as inspiration, information and as a portal into your musical imagination.

Happy Practicing!


Monday, March 19, 2012


I am so excited to introduce you to my new ebook/PDF Book, 

Creative Practice Ideas & Exercises for the Whole Musician ~ Flute .

You can find examples and order the book on my website.
About this Book: 
Creative Practice Ideas for the Whole Musician~Flute, is a collection of Ideas that I have written down for myself and my students over the years. These are a combination of my ideas and ones I  have learned from my teachers, their teachers, teaching students and from talking with colleagues, and friends. All are expressed here in this book, in my original way. It is my hope that you will enjoy using, creating and playing with the ideas in this book. May we continue to inspire each other, be playful, generous and lively in this adventure of learning and loving music and life.
Creative Practice Ideas for the Whole Musician~flute  is divided into 5 parts.  
Ideas and Exercises on:
1. Preparation & Performance 
2. Creative Practice Ideas  
3.  Body & Breathing  
4. Tone & Exercises
  1. Technique & Exercises
Each page has an inspirational quote, listening suggestions and links. 
  Listen: to a flutist, string  player or vocalist.   CD’s: to a specific recording.                             
Look: at links to a video, or a website.
Thank you! 

Please let me know your thoughts and how you are enjoying the Book!


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