
This blog is written and created for the Whole Musician: in mind, body and spirit. The possibilities for practice, playing and performing are infinite...In this blog I share Practice Ideas for the Whole Musician as inspiration, information and as a portal into your musical imagination.

Happy Practicing!


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Performing Questions...

Talking to my students about performing and developing their stage presence and projection as a performer. 
Here are some questions I asked them to consider, write about and discuss in studio class. 

Questions about Performing:

How is performing different from playing?
What makes a great performance?
What is great stage presence?
What is projection and how do you project, bigger than yourself, the music, on stage?
How can you practice and learn to be comfortable on stage ? 
How alive, present moment are you and is your listening when you are on stage performing, auditioning...?
How do you practice being connected to the audience? 
Do you respect and feel gratitude for the music and the audience?
If the musician is the bridge between the composer and the audience... Are you the Bridge that connects the music? 
Do you consider that we are all in this together, that we all matter and are effecting each other in powerful ways?
How do you create an open channel of giving and receiving energy? 
What makes you appear confident on stages? And what makes you appear to not be confident ?
How willing are you to be vulnerable, courageous, powerful, authentic... on stage?
How engaging, attractive, magnetic, authentic, dynamic, free, involved, charismatic... are you as a performer? 
Are you moved by the music you are expressing, performing, sharing, bringing to life?
How do you look and sound on stage? Is it really what you think, who you want to be, who you are?
Who is your authentic self? Are you being true to that?
Are you a creation always in the process of, continually being created, ever changing being alive? 
How is this process of “being alive”  like vibration, sound, music?
Why does someone go to a live concert instead of listening to music in the comfort of their own home?
How do you get an audience to attend and become excited about your concerts, recitals, performances? 

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